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LassoLogin — Single Sign-On and Federation Profile


enum                LassoLoginProtocolProfile;
struct              LassoLogin;
LassoLogin *        lasso_login_new                     (LassoServer *server);
LassoLogin *        lasso_login_new_from_dump           (LassoServer *server,
                                                         const gchar *dump);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_accept_sso              (LassoLogin *login);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_artifact_msg      (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         LassoHttpMethod http_method);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_assertion         (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         const char *authenticationMethod,
                                                         const char *authenticationInstant,
                                                         const char *reauthenticateOnOrAfter,
                                                         const char *notBefore,
                                                         const char *notOnOrAfter);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_authn_request_msg (LassoLogin *login);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_authn_response_msg
                                                        (LassoLogin *login);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_request_msg       (LassoLogin *login);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_response_msg      (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *remote_providerID);
void                lasso_login_destroy                 (LassoLogin *login);
gchar *             lasso_login_dump                    (LassoLogin *login);
LassoNode *         lasso_login_get_assertion           (LassoLogin *login);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_init_authn_request      (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         const gchar *remote_providerID,
                                                         LassoHttpMethod http_method);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_init_idp_initiated_authn_request
                                                        (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         const gchar *remote_providerID);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_init_request            (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *response_msg,
                                                         LassoHttpMethod response_http_method);
gboolean            lasso_login_must_ask_for_consent    (LassoLogin *login);
gboolean            lasso_login_must_authenticate       (LassoLogin *login);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg
                                                        (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         const char *authn_request_msg);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_authn_response_msg
                                                        (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *authn_response_msg);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_paos_response_msg
                                                        (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *msg);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_request_msg     (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *request_msg);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_response_msg    (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *response_msg);
lasso_error_t       lasso_login_validate_request_msg    (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gboolean authentication_result,
                                                         gboolean is_consent_obtained);


The Single Sign On process allows a user to log in once to an identity provider (IdP), and to be then transparently loged in to the required service providers (SP) belonging to the IP "circle of trust". Subordinating different identities of the same user within a circle of trust to a unique IP is called "Identity Federation". The liberty Alliance specifications allows, thanks to this federation, strong and unique authentication coupled with control by the user of his personal informations. The explicit user agreement is necessary before proceeding to Identity Federation.

The service provider must implement the following process:

Our first example shows how to initiate a request toward an ID-FF 1.2 or SAML 2.0 identity provider. It supposes that we already initialized a LassoServer object with the metadatas or our provider (and its private key if we want to sign the request), and that we added the metadatas of the targetted IdP with the method lasso_server_add_provider().

Example 1. Service Provider Login URL

LassoLogin *login;
int rc; // hold return codes

login = lasso_login_new(server);
rc = lasso_login_init_authn_request(login, "http://identity-provider-id/",
if (rc != 0) {
  ... // handle errors, most of them are related to bad initialization

// customize AuthnRequest
// protocolProfile is the protocolProfile of the provider http://identity-provider-id/
if (protocolProfile == LASSO_LIBERTY_1_2) {
        LassoLibAuthnRequest *request = LASSO_LIB_AUTHN_REQUEST(LASSO_PROFILE(login)->request);
        request->NameIDPolicy = strdup(LASSO_LIB_NAMEID_POLICY_TYPE_FEDERATED);
        request->ForceAuthn = TRUE;
        request->IsPassive = FALSE;
        // tell the IdP how to return the response
        request->ProtocolProfile = strdup(LASSO_LIB_PROTOCOL_PROFILE_BRWS_ART);
} else if (protocolProfile == LASSO_SAML_2_0) {
        LassoSamlp2AuthnRequest *request = LASSO_SAMLP2_AUTHN_REQUEST(LASSO_PROFILE(login)->request);
        if (request->NameIDPolicy->Format) {
        request->NameIDPolicy->Format = g_strdup(LASSO_NAME_IDENTIFIER_FORMAT_PERSISTENT);
        // Allow creation of new federation
        request->NameIDPolicy->AllowCreate = 1;
        request->ForceAuthn = TRUE;
        request->IsPassive = FALSE;
        // tell the IdP how to return the response
        if (request->ProtocolBinding) {
        // here we expect an artifact response, it could be post, redirect or PAOS.
        request->ProtocolBinding = g_strdup(LASSO_SAML2_METADATA_BINDING_ARTIFACT);
// Lasso will choose whether to sign the request by looking at the IdP
// metadatas and at our metadatas, but you can always force him to sign or to
// not sign using the method lasso_profile_set_signature_hint() on the
// LassoLogin object.

rc = lasso_login_build_authn_request_msg(login);
if (rc != 0) {
      .... // handle errors
      // could be that the requested binding (POST, Redirect, etc..) is not supported (LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROFILE)
      // or that we could not sign the request (LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_BUILDING_QUERY_FAILED).

// redirect user to identity provider
   // we chose the Redirect binding, so we have to generate a redirect HTTP response to the URL returned by Lasso
printf("Location: %s\n\nRedirected to IdP\n", LASSO_PROFILE(login)->msg_url);

Next example shows how to receive the response from the identity provider for ID-FF 1.2.

Example 2. Service Provider Assertion Consumer Service URL for ID-FF 1.2

LassoLogin *login;
char *request_method = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
char *artifact_msg = NULL, *lares = NULL, *lareq = NULL;
char *name_identifier;
lassoHttpMethod method;
int rc = 0;

login = lasso_login_new(server);
if (strcmp(request_method, "GET") == 0) {
        artifact_msg = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
} else {
        // read submitted form; if it has a LAREQ field, put it in lareq,
        // if it has a LARES field, put it in lares
        if (lareq) {
                artifact_msg = lareq;
        } else if (lares) {
                response_msg = lares;
        } else {
                // bail out
        method = LASSO_HTTP_METHOD_POST;

if (artifact_msg) {
        // we received an artifact response,
        // it means we did not really receive the response,
        // only a token to redeem the real response from the identity
        // provider through a SOAP resolution call
        rc = lasso_login_init_request(login, artifact_msg, method);
        if (rc != 0) {
                  ... // handle errors
                  // there is usually no error at this step, only
                  // if the IdP response is malformed
        rc = lasso_login_build_request_msg(login);
        if (rc != 0) {
                  ... // handle errors
                  // as for AuthnRequest generation, it generally is caused
                  // by a bad initialization like an impossibility to load
                  // the private key.
        // makes a SOAP call, soap_call is NOT a Lasso function
        soap_answer_msg = soap_call(LASSO_PROFILE(login)->msg_url,
        rc = lasso_login_process_response_msg(login, soap_answer_msg);
        if (rc != 0) {
                  ... // handle errors
                  // here you can know if the IdP refused the request, 
} else if (response_msg) {
        lasso_login_process_authn_response_msg(login, response_msg);

// looks up name_identifier in local file, database, whatever and gets back
// two things: identity_dump and session_dump
name_identifier = LASSO_PROFILE(login)->nameIdentifier
lasso_profile_set_identity_from_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(login), identity_dump);
lasso_profile_set_session_from_dump(LASSO_PROFILE(login), session_dump);


if (lasso_profile_is_identity_dirty(LASSO_PROFILE(login))) {
        LassoIdentity *identity;
        char *identity_dump;
        identity = lasso_profile_get_identity(LASSO_PROFILE(login));
        identity_dump = lasso_identity_dump(identity);
        // record identity_dump in file, database...

if (lasso_profile_is_session_dirty(LASSO_PROFILE(login))) {
        LassoSession *session;
        char *session_dump;
        session = lasso_profile_get_session(LASSO_PROFILE(login));
        session_dump = lasso_session_dump(session);
        // record session_dump in file, database...

// redirect user anywhere
printf("Location: %s\n\nRedirected to site root\n", login->msg_url);

The implement an IdP you must create a single sign-on service endpoint, the needed APIs for this are lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg(), lasso_login_validate_request_msg(), lasso_login_build_assertion(), lasso_login_build_authn_response_msg() and lasso_login_build_artifact_msg(). You will have to chose between lasso_login_build_authn_response_msg() and lasso_login_build_artifact_msg() depending on the requested protocol for the response by the service provider

Example 3. Identity provider single sign-on service

LassoLogin *login;
char *request_method = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
char *artifact_msg = NULL, *lares = NULL, *lareq = NULL;
char *name_identifier;
lassoHttpMethod method;
int rc = 0;

login = lasso_login_new(server);
if (strcmp(request_method, 'GET')) { // AuthnRequest send with the HTTP-Redirect binding
    rc = lasso_process_authn_request_msg(login, getenv("QUERY_STRING"));
    if (rc != 0) {
        // handle errors

} else {


enum LassoLoginProtocolProfile

typedef enum {
} LassoLoginProtocolProfile;

Identifies the four possible profiles for Single Sign-On and Federation. It defined how the response to authentication request will transmitted to the service provider.


response is transmitted through a redirect request with an artifact, followed by an artifact resolution request by the service provider.


response is transmitted through a POST.


response is transmitted in a PAOS response (see LassoLecp).


response is transmitted through a redirect.

struct LassoLogin

struct LassoLogin {
	LassoProfile parent;

	LassoLoginProtocolProfile protocolProfile;
	gchar *assertionArtifact;

Single sign-on profile for the current transaction; possibly an assertionArtifact to be used by the service provider in its "assertionConsumerServiceURL" and the assertion created or received for the principal.

LassoProfile parent;

LassoLoginProtocolProfile protocolProfile;

the kind of binding used for this authentication request.

gchar *assertionArtifact;

a string representing the artifact received through an artifact resolution. request

lasso_login_new ()

LassoLogin *        lasso_login_new                     (LassoServer *server);

Creates a new LassoLogin.

server :

the LassoServer

Returns :

a newly created LassoLogin object; or NULL if an error occured

lasso_login_new_from_dump ()

LassoLogin *        lasso_login_new_from_dump           (LassoServer *server,
                                                         const gchar *dump);

Restores the dump to a new LassoLogin.

server :

the LassoServer

dump :

XML login dump

Returns :

a newly created LassoLogin; or NULL if an error occured.

lasso_login_accept_sso ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_accept_sso              (LassoLogin *login);

Gets the assertion of the response and adds it to the LassoSession object. Builds a federation with the 2 name identifiers of the assertion and adds it into the identity. If the session or the identity are NULL, they are created.

login :

a LassoLogin

Returns :

0 on success; or

lasso_login_build_artifact_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_artifact_msg      (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         LassoHttpMethod http_method);

Builds a SAML artifact. Depending of the HTTP method, the data for the sending of the artifact are stored in msg_url (REDIRECT) or msg_url, msg_body and msg_relayState (POST).

login :

a LassoLogin

http_method :

the HTTP method to send the artifact (REDIRECT or POST)

Returns :

0 on success; or
  • LASSO_PARAM_ERROR_BAD_TYPE_OR_NULL_OBJ if login is not a LassoLogin object,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_MISSING_REMOTE_PROVIDERID if no remote provider ID was setup in the login profile object, it's usually done by lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg,


  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_INVALID_PROTOCOLPROFILE if the current protocolProfile is not


  • LASSO_SERVER_ERROR_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND if the remote provider is not known to our server object which impeach us to find a service endpoint,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_MISSING_RESPONSE if the response object is missing,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_MISSING_STATUS_CODE if the response object is missing a status code,

lasso_login_build_assertion ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_assertion         (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         const char *authenticationMethod,
                                                         const char *authenticationInstant,
                                                         const char *reauthenticateOnOrAfter,
                                                         const char *notBefore,
                                                         const char *notOnOrAfter);

Builds an assertion and stores it in profile session. authenticationInstant, reauthenticateOnOrAfter, notBefore and notOnOrAfter may be NULL. If authenticationInstant is NULL, the current time will be used. Time values must be encoded in UTC.

Construct the authentication assertion for the response. It must be called after validating the request using lasso_login_validate_request_msg(). The created assertion is accessed using lasso_login_get_assertion().

login :

a LassoLogin

authenticationMethod :

the authentication method

authenticationInstant :

the time at which the authentication took place

notBefore :

the earliest time instant at which the assertion is valid

notOnOrAfter :

the time instant at which the assertion has expired

Returns :

0 on success; or

lasso_login_build_authn_request_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_authn_request_msg (LassoLogin *login);

Converts profile authentication request (request member) into a Liberty message, either an URL in HTTP-Redirect profile or an URL and a field value in Browser-POST (form) profile.

The URL is set into the msg_url member and the eventual field value (LAREQ) is set into the msg_body member.

login :

a LassoLogin

Returns :

0 on success; or

lasso_login_build_authn_response_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_authn_response_msg
                                                        (LassoLogin *login);

Converts profile authentication response (response member) into a Liberty message.

The URL is set into the msg_url member and the field value (LARES) is set into the msg_body member.

login :

a LassoLogin

Returns :

0 on success; or
  • LASSO_PARAM_ERROR_BAD_TYPE_OR_NULL_OBJ if login is not a LassoLogin object,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_INVALID_PROTOCOLPROFILE if the current protocol profile is not


  • LASSO_SERVER_ERROR_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND if the remote provider ID is not registered in the server object,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROFILE_URL if the metadata of the remote provider does not contain an URL for the assertion consuming service,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_MISSING_SERVER the server object is needed to sign a message and it is missing,

  • LASSO_DS_ERROR_PRIVATE_KEY_LOAD_FAILED the private key for signing could not be found,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_MISSING_RESPONSE if the response object is missing,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROFILE if the SSO profile is not supported by the targeted provider,



lasso_login_build_request_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_request_msg       (LassoLogin *login);

Produce a SOAP Artifact Resolve message. It must follows a call to lasso_login_init_request() on the artifact message. Converts artifact request into a Liberty SOAP message.

The URL is set into the msg_url member and the SOAP message is set into the msg_body member. You should POST the msg_body to the msg_url afterward.

login :

a LassoLogin

Returns :

0 on success; or LASSO_PARAM_ERROR_BAD_TYPE_OR_NULL_OBJ if login is not a LassoLogin object, LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_MISSING_REMOTE_PROVIDERID if not remote provider ID was setup -- it usually means that lasso_login_init_request was not called before, LASSO_SERVER_ERROR_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND if the remote provider ID is not registered in the server object.

lasso_login_build_response_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_build_response_msg      (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *remote_providerID);

Converts profile assertion response (response member) into a Liberty SOAP messageresponse message.

The URL is set into the msg_url member and the SOAP message is set into the msg_body member.

login :

a LassoLogin

remote_providerID :

service provider ID

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise. LASSO_PARAM_ERROR_BAD_TYPE_OR_NULL_OBJ if login is not a LassoLogin object, LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_SESSION_NOT_FOUND if no session object was found in the login profile object -- it should be created by lasso_login_build_assertion() if you did not set it manually before calling lasso_login_build_assertion().

lasso_login_destroy ()

void                lasso_login_destroy                 (LassoLogin *login);

Destroys a LassoLogin object.

Deprecated: Since 2.2.1, use g_object_unref() instead.

login :

a LassoLogin

lasso_login_dump ()

gchar *             lasso_login_dump                    (LassoLogin *login);

Dumps login content to an XML string.

login :

a LassoLogin

Returns :

the dump string. It must be freed by the caller. [transfer full]

lasso_login_get_assertion ()

LassoNode *         lasso_login_get_assertion           (LassoLogin *login);

Return the last build assertion.

login :

a LassoLogin object

Returns :

a LassoNode representing the build assertion (generally a LassoSamlAssertion when using ID-FF 1.2 or a LassoSaml2Assertion when using SAML 2.0)

lasso_login_init_authn_request ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_init_authn_request      (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         const gchar *remote_providerID,
                                                         LassoHttpMethod http_method);

Initializes a new AuthnRequest from current service provider to remote identity provider specified in remote_providerID (if NULL the first known identity provider is used).

For ID-FF 1.2 the default NameIDPolicy in an AuthnRequest is None, which imply that a federation must already exist on the IdP side.

For SAML 2.0 the default NameIDPolicy is the first listed in the metadatas of the current provider, or if none is specified, Transient, which ask the IdP to give a one-time federation

login :

a LassoLogin

remote_providerID:(allow-none) :

the providerID of the identity provider (may be NULL)

http_method :

HTTP method to use for request transmission. [default LASSO_HTTP_METHOD_REDIRECT]

Returns :

0 on success; or
  • LASSO_PARAM_ERROR_BAD_TYPE_OR_NULL_OBJ if login is not a LassoLogin object,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_MISSING_REMOTE_PROVIDERID if remote_providerID is NULL and no default remote provider could be found from the server object -- usually the first one in the order of adding to the server object --,

  • LASSO_SERVER_ERROR_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND if the remote_providerID is not known to our server object.


  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_BUILDING_REQUEST_FAILED if creation of the request object failed.

lasso_login_init_idp_initiated_authn_request ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_init_idp_initiated_authn_request
                                                        (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         const gchar *remote_providerID);

Generates an authentication response without matching authentication request.

The choice of NameIDFormat is the same as for lasso_login_init_authn_request() but with the target remote_providerID as the current provider

If remote_providerID is NULL, the first known provider is used.

login :

a LassoLogin.

remote_providerID :

the providerID of the remote service provider (may be NULL)

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise. Error codes are the same as lasso_login_init_authn_request().

lasso_login_init_request ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_init_request            (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *response_msg,
                                                         LassoHttpMethod response_http_method);

Initializes an artifact request. response_msg is either the query string (in redirect mode) or the form LAREQ field (in browser-post mode). It should only be used if you received an artifact message, response_msg must be content of the artifact field for the POST artifact binding of the query string for the REDIRECT artifact binding. You must set the response_http_method argument according to the way you received the artifact message.

login :

a LassoLogin

response_msg :

the authentication response received

response_http_method :

the method used to receive the authentication response

Returns :

0 on success; or
  • LASSO_PARAM_ERROR_BAD_TYPE_OR_NULL_OBJ if login is not a LassoLogin object,



  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_MISSING_ARTIFACT if no artifact field was found in the query string (only possible for the LASSO_HTTP_METHOD_REDIRECT case),

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_INVALID_ARTIFACT if decoding of the artifact failed -- whether because the base64 encoding is invalid or because the type code is wrong --,

  • LASSO_PROFILE_ERROR_MISSING_REMOTE_PROVIDERID if no provider ID could be found corresponding to the hash contained in the artifact.

lasso_login_must_ask_for_consent ()

gboolean            lasso_login_must_ask_for_consent    (LassoLogin *login);

Evaluates if consent must be asked to the Principal to federate him.

login :

a LassoLogin

Returns :

TRUE if consent must be asked

lasso_login_must_authenticate ()

gboolean            lasso_login_must_authenticate       (LassoLogin *login);

Evaluates if user must be authenticated.

login :

a LassoLogin

Returns :

TRUE if user must be authenticated

lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_authn_request_msg
                                                        (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         const char *authn_request_msg);

Processes received authentication request, checks it is signed correctly, checks if requested protocol profile is supported, etc.

login :

a LassoLogin

authn_request_msg :

the authentication request received

Returns :

0 on success; or

lasso_login_process_authn_response_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_authn_response_msg
                                                        (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *authn_response_msg);

Processes received authentication response.

login :

a LassoLogin

authn_response_msg :

the authentication response received

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise.

lasso_login_process_paos_response_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_paos_response_msg
                                                        (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *msg);

lasso_login_process_request_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_request_msg     (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *request_msg);

Processes received artifact request.

login :

a LassoLogin

request_msg :

the artifact request received

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise.

lasso_login_process_response_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_process_response_msg    (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gchar *response_msg);

Processes received assertion response.

login :

a LassoLogin

response_msg :

the assertion response received

Returns :

0 on success; or

lasso_login_validate_request_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_login_validate_request_msg    (LassoLogin *login,
                                                         gboolean authentication_result,
                                                         gboolean is_consent_obtained);

Initializes a response to the authentication request received.

login :

a LassoLogin

authentication_result :

whether user has authenticated succesfully

is_consent_obtained :

whether user consent has been obtained

Returns :

0 on success; or